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Methods of Interactive Studying

The project activity of students among modern pedagogical technologies, from our point of view, is the most adequate to the goals of education - the formation of key competences. The method of projects can be considered as one of the personally oriented developmental technologies, which is based on the idea of ​​developing students' cognitive skills, creative initiative, the ability to think independently, find and solve problems, navigate the information space, and predict and evaluate the results of one's own activity. The method of projects is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. This method is applicable in the presence of a really significant problem (practical, scientific, creative, vital), for which a research search is necessary (ES Polat). A graduate of an educational institution in modern conditions to adapt to changing life situations, including in professional activities, must have a breadth of knowledge, the ability to integrate and apply them to explain the phenomena surrounding it. All this confirms the necessity to use practical projects in the project activity. Learned practical experience can be used to solve problems arising in everyday life, at home, at work. Practically-oriented tasks increase the effectiveness of the educational process by increasing the motivation to develop this area of ​​knowledge, which manifests itself only in conditions that are personally important for students. Thus, students of technical colleges in the study of chemistry can be offered the following topics of projects: "Dry cleaning in our house", "Chemistry in the garden", "Food supplements and human health", "Chemistry and Beauty"; professional direction: "Pharmaceutical Chemistry", "Liquid Crystals in Modern Optoelectronics", "Technology of Food Processing", etc.

Unlike educational and research activities, the main result of which is the achievement of truth, the work on the project is aimed at a comprehensive and systematic study of the problem and involves obtaining a practical result - an educational product. The product can be a video, an album, a poster, an article in a newspaper, an instruction, a theatrical performance, a game (sports, business), a website, etc. The project activity involves the preparation of reports, abstracts, research and other creative activities. In the process of implementing the project, students use not only educational, but also educational-methodical, scientific, reference literature. The role of the trainer is to monitor, advise and guide the process of analyzing the results, if necessary.

In the course of the project, the learner is involved in an active cognitive creative process; At the same time, both the consolidation of existing knowledge on the subject and the acquisition of new knowledge occur. In addition, supra-subject competencies are formed: research (search), communicative, organizational-managerial, reflexive, skills and skills of working in a team, etc.

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